May musings and little reader

It’s been a while since I have written here but I have a quiet moment on a grey day so I thought I would write a post.

There has been lots going on here at lilipopo over the last three months, the most exciting news has been the monthly pattern club. I design a pattern each month for the pattern club which will only be available in my Etsy shop two months later.

The first pattern was in April and was a spring bird pattern

The current pattern is a little florist pattern. Each pattern is only available for a month after which it is replaced by the next one.

If you would like to join in with the stitching the pattern club is available on Patreon It costs £4 per month (plus any relevant taxes for your country).

A little while ago I was asked if I could create panels for the little reader bookmark so I have spent the last few weeks sorting these out. I have stitched up a bookmark using the panel and I’m very happy with them.

I’ve loved stitching with the soft pastel colours, they feel very appropriate for May. It’s also lovely to have an easily giftable project at the end for any book lovers out there.

The pattern contains all the instructions for making the bookmark. In the original I machine stitched the border but for this version I have hand stitched everything. I just prefer hand stitching but I know many stitchers who would rather machine stitch the seams and border. Both are fine for this project.

I found a gorgeous liberty quilting cotton at my local fabric shop (Truro fabrics for anyone in Cornwall). I think it’s called Carnaby but I can’t find it online anywhere so it could be an older fabric (if anyone knows anymore about it please do comment). It does have a lovely bright spring feel to it though.

If you would like to stitch your own version you can buy either the pattern or the printed panel in my Etsy shop.

As for the rest of my time I am still swimming and the sea is getting warmer although a bit of crazy unseasonal wind (a day we didn’t swim) has moved all the swimming buoys to different parts of the sea so we can’t measure our distance very well at the moment. The first pictures of baby jelly fish are also appearing on local instagram accounts (@sensoryecology and @tonicofthesea) so it may be time for alert swimming!

I have also got my knitting mojo back recently thanks to a podcast that was recommended to me by a stitchy friend. Katie Green also known as green bean has a video podcast on youtube that is absolutely lovely. Slow and quiet with knitting, drawing, stitching, a cute dog and walks in beautiful Dartmoor. I am very late to this podcast as it has been going for four years but I am loving watching all the early episodes while I stitch. And the knitting made me pick my needles back up and get on with that pesky second sock!

The Green Bean podcast

Now it’s back to a little bit of knitting and reading (I am about to start ‘the heart is a lonely hunter’ by Carson McCullers, another recommendation from a friend) for a quiet Saturday evening.

I hope you have a lovely weekend

Kate x

Post script

I forgot to turn the comments on!

The beautiful fabric is indeed from the Carnaby collection and is called Bloomsbury Silhouette Orange (Thank you Lucy Shone!) It is available in the UK at Lovecrafts

Becky has also found it in America on Etsy. If you google liberty carnaby there are a few shops selling it.

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