stitching angels and quilters

It’s getting very busy here at lilipopo. This time of year always seems to arrive so suddenly. One minute summer is just ending and then it’s almost Christmas. I have been doing lots of packing and posting parcels, lots of ordering supplies and of course lots of drawing and stitching. I actually have three patterns on the go that I am switching between.

The quilter is coming along nicely but it’s definitely going to be a slow stitch project, perfect for a cosy January. I’m really enjoying all the satin stitch hexies on the quilt but I can see how difficult it must be to make a real quilt! Avoiding having the same two colours next to each other can be a bit of a feat.

The second pattern is an angel that I started last Christmas and set aside. I wanted her to be a folk angel so I added folk style flowers to her dress but today I decided she didn’t feel wintry enough and I feel like using some blues so she will have snow flakes, hearts and ferns instead..

The third design is based around a red riding hood embroidery I did a few years ago but I will show more of that one next week.

I have also been filling my shop with printed panels. These panels are popular as you don’t have to do any of the tracing but you can still choose your own colours if you want to. I have added three new ones this week - Night night boy, Night night girl and unicorn. I will try my best to keep them all in stock in the lead up to Christmas.

I released some witchy kits last week, my newsletter subscribers are always the first to hear about kit releases and the witchy kits disappeared very quickly. I had originally done them for hallowe’en but I am thinking of making some more. Please let me know if you are interested in a witchy kit after hallowe’en and I will create a pre order list.

I will have some fairy with attitude kits available on Sunday evening. I am struggling to get hold of some of the DMC threads that I use in the kits so stocks will be low but I do have some on order and have my fingers crossed that I will be able to put more kits together in a couple of weeks.

And of course I’m still swimming! We have been going down to swim at 6.45 am and it has been getting darker and darker so Sunday (when the clocks change in the UK) will be very welcome as I think we will be just around sunrise again. Nonetheless this week we all bought special flashing green lights to attach to our goggles so we can see each other in the sea as it can still be a little dark at sunrise on cloudy days. This is the furthest into the year that I have swum (excluding the Sennen Christmas day dip!) and I love it. I am only swimming for about 20 minutes now before it starts to feel a little cold but it’s such a contrast to the rest of my day, which can be very sedentary.

So now it’s time to make a cup of tea, switch on an audio book and get back to my stitching.

Have a lovely week


Kate Popovski